
More on reel saving

We support recording back from any type of audio reel for years now. We can capture mono and stereo sound too. We can handle all four recording speeds, 2,4; 4,7; 9,5 and 19 too. It is a usual thing, that these recordings become brittle and hard, but we can leap over these problems with a quick cut and glue.

The recordings - just like with bakelit or cassette tapes - can be recorded on audio CD, MP3 CD or any digitized format, like the non-compressed  wav, or 320kbit MP3. All recording will be tracked (if we can), and the CD will be printed as you ask for it, or you can even ask for our exact copy service.
Usually it takes us 2-4 weeks lead time to finish with the work, but that can adjust according to our aggregation. It is adviced to count with the reels recoding speed, because they can record even hours of sound in slow record. If you ask us, for a nominal fee we can scan the tape ahead, look at its speed and general length then with these information we can call you and let you decide its faith.

Gyorstalpaló FAT32 NTFS-re formázásáról

  1. Saját meghajtón vinném el a digitalizált video anyagot, mire kell odafigyelnem?

    Akkor ha egy kazettáról 100 percnél nagyobb anyag kell:

    Mielőtt elhozza hozzánk pendrive-ját vagy hordozható merevlemezét(HDD), fontos, hogy ellenőrizze annak fájlrendszerét. 100 perc videóanyag mérete meghaladja a 4GB-ot. Ha a pendrive fájlrendszere FAT32 akkor nem lehet 4GB-nál nagyobb méretű anyagot egyben rámásolni. Ezért nekünk fel kell darabolni kisebb részekre az adott videofájlt vagy átkonvertálni a pendrive fájlrendszerét, ami időigényes feladat. Így a felmásolási folyamatot nagyon lelassítja.


  1. Mi a manó az a fáljrendszer?

    A fájlrendszer azt adja meg hogy hogyan, milyen rendszer szerint tárolódnak az adatok a számítógépen vagy a pendrive-on.
Az állomány- rendszerek  a lemezt alapegységekre(clusterekre) osztják fel. Ez a legkisebb kezelhető lemezegység. A fájlrendszer adja meg, hogy hogyan teszik ezt.


  1. Hogyan tudom megnézni milyen a pendrive-om fájlrendszere?


  • csatlakoztassa a pendrive-ot a számítógéphez
  • nyissa meg az intézőt vagy a saját gépet
  • az egér jobb gombjával kattintson a pendrive-ra
  • utána vigye az egér mutatót a tulajdonságokra és az egér bal gombjával kattintson rá.


Ezután ezt a képet fogja látni:

Ha a fájlrendszer NTFS akkor nincs több dolga. Ha FAT32 vagy valami más akkor jöhet a 4. pont.

  1. Hogyan tudom átkonvertálni?

Konvertálás előtt két lényeges dolog:

Az NTFS-re alakított  partíciókat, csak formázással lehet FAT32-re visszaalakítani.
Az NTFS meghajtókat a windows 95/98/Me nem fogja tudni kezelni.

a.) adatvesztás nélkül

Start menüből válassza ki a futtatást:


  • Gépelje be, hogy cmd majd OK gomb


  • Majd gépelje be a következőt:
  • convert meghajtó betűjele(Pl. H): /fs:ntfs

Formázás előtt azért érdemes biztonsági másolatot készíteni, néha előfordulhat adatvesztés.

b.) adatvesztéssel

  • Kattintson jobb egérgombbal az intézőben vagy a saját gépben a pendrive-ra.


  • Majd bal egérgombbal a formázás parancsra.
  • Ha a pendrive FAT32 akkor nem tudja kiválasztani az NTFS rendszert, de van rá megoldás cheeky
     Kövesse az alábbi lépéseket.


  • Jobb gomb a pendrive-on, ezután tulajdonságok kiválasztása.


  • Hardver fül kiválasztása. Majd keresse meg a pendrive-ot a listában.



  • Ha kiválasztotta a pendrive-ot, nyomjon a tulajdonságokra.


  • Válassza a Házirendek fület. és válassza ki az optimalizálás teljesítményre pontot.


  • Ha ezután visszatér a formázásra, akkor már ki tudja választani az NTFS rendszert. 


  • Válassza ki az NTFS-t és kattintson az indítás gombra.

Formázás után minden adat elveszik a pendrive-ról.

Felhasznált cikkek:

Fényképezőgépet, vagy kamerát vegyek?

Sokan kérdezik tőlünk, így megosztjuk eddigi tapasztalatainkat a témában.

A kazettás kameráknak egyértelműen leáldozott. Ugyan még néhol lehet kapni miniDV kazettát, de a szervizünk is azt tapasztalja, hogy egyre nehezebb kazettát szerezni a jól bevált DV kamerákhoz. A profi videósok viszont ódzkodnak az új technológiáktól. A kazettát azért szerették, mert ha egy értékes felvétel közben el is romlott a kamera, azért amit addig felvett a kazettára, az rajta is maradt. Viszont ha manapság egy memóriakártyás kamera elromlik, egyáltalán nem biztos, hogy nem rántja magával a memóriakártyát. Itt még a memóriakártya is meghibásodhat, akkor pedig csak adatmentő cég tud segíteni, súlyos tíz-százezrekért. A gyártók persze igyekeznek újabban plusz biztonsági funkciókat is beletenni a kamerákba, például az új félprofi Nikon fényképezőgépek már két memóriakártya foglalattal készülnek. Ha az egyikben lévő kártya megtelt, automatikusan folytatja a másikra, de be lehet úgy is állítani, hogy szimultán töltse mindkettőt, megkétszerezve az adatbiztonságot.
A legtöbb kamera képes állóképet rögzíteni (a memóriakártya egy adott mappájába), viszont egy megfizethető filmkamera optikájának más a feladata, mint egy tükörreflexes fényképezőgépé:
-A kamera optikájának minél magasabb fényerejűnek kell lennie, nem szükséges tökéletes képet visszaadnia, de legyen benne jó nagy zoom, és nem árt, ha minél kisebb méretű.
-A fényképező optikájának nincs méretkorlátja, nagyon törekszenek a lehető legtökéletesebb képalkotásra, viszont van pár hátulütője.

Az újabb fényképezőgépek már mind tudnak videót készíteni, akár a manapság elérhető legnagyobb, FullHD felbontásban is. Mivel a komolyabbak ezek közül tükörreflexesek, felvételkészítéskor "fel kell csapni a tükröt", hogy folyamatos felvételhez jussunk. Ez az egyik hátulütő, sok fényképezőgép korlátozott ideig képes felcsapva tartani a tükröt, így be van határolva a felvehető videomennyiség. Cserébe olyan minőségű videofelvételt tudunk készíteni, mely még a moziban is megállná a helyét. A másik hátulütő, hogy a tükörreflexes fényképezőgépek hozzáértő kezeknek készültek, például nincs automata videó mód, hanem egy sor beállításon végig kell menni, hogy élvezhető  felvétel legyen a végeredmény. A legfájóbb pedig az automata élességállítás hiánya. Végig kézzel kell tekergetni az élességállító gyűrűt, hogy a szükséges részek élesek legyenek. Az automata élességállítás félig lenyomott exponálógombbal működik, csak kérdés, hogy a gép kitalálja-e, hogy mit akarunk élesre csinálni, és az ő próbálkozása a legélesebb rész megtalálására pedig mind benne lesz a felvételben.
A legkönnyebb persze a két készülék egybegyúrása lenne, tökéletes képminőség fotózásra és videózásra egyaránt, a cserélhető objektívek minden előnyével. Ha azonban kicsit lejjebb adunk az igényekből, egészen jó ajánlatokat lehet találni a kompakt fényképezőgépek között. Sőt, egyik-másik igazi üsd-vágd fényképezőgép: Hozzá nem értőknek egy apró kompakt fényképezőgép videofelvételi lehetőséggel, és akár még víz-por-és ütésálló is lehet!
Vásárlás előtt érdemes elgondolkodni a felhasználói szokásainkon: inkább fényképezgetnénk, inkább videóznánk, vagy inkább mindent együtt?




Lelkes, videózni is vágyó fotóamatőröknek egy jó tükörreflexes gép minden igényét kielégíti. Személyre szabható teljesen, cserélhető az objektív, és mozi minőségű videókat tudunk készíteni, HA van idő a tanulásra, és a gép képességeinek a kitapasztalására.








Aki csak videózni szeretne, és néha egy-egy fotó kell neki, annak egy jobb minőségű, memóriakártyás HD kamera kell.








Aki nem ért az egészhez, de egy kicsi, mindenre jó emlékgép kell neki, amit elővesz, csattogtat, és az automatika mindent elintéz helyette, az egy kompakt videofelvételre képes fényképezőgéppel jár jól.









Sportolóknak is kifejlesztettek már saját kameratípust, ezek a gépek por-karc-víz- és ütésállóak, hatalmas a látószögük, és bármely sporteszközünkre, vagy testrészünkre felrögzíthetjük.







Ha megvan a kamera és a felvételek is, tudomásul kell venni, hogy a memóriakártyás kamerák felvevőgomb-lenyomásonként egy kis fájlt készítenek a kártyára, jellemzően AVCHD formátumban. Megnézni őket csak számítógépen lehet, érdemes tehát elmélyedni a videovágóprogrmok világában, hogy ezek a felvételek DVD-re is ki legyenek írva. Mivel az AVCHD nagyfelbontású H.264 videofelvétel, össze kell tömöríteni a DVD 720*576-os felbontására. Ezt mi is szívesen elvégezzük 4000 Ft+Áfa/műsor óra áron, de otthon is megoldható, ha kitanulsz egy jó vágóprogramot.


Bármilyen kérdés esetén állunk rendelkezésre, a mi érdekünk is, hogy minőségi emlékeid készüljenek!

Some of our more interesting jobs in the past

Zoltáns father was a pilot in the second world war, and they found plenty of pictures of him at home.
He asked us to save his pictures to a DVD and restore them. He asked for a 30×40 picture to make a framed print of. The raw material was a 4×5cm photograph, which was scanned in at 2400 DPI. Then we raised contrast a bit and retouched it. We took hours to renovate the picture to remove even the slightes grains of dust. After wrting them to the disc, Zoltán took it to a print and they were kind enough to frame it too.
Next time he brought us a job he proudly old us how good his "new" photo looks on the shelf.

It took Péter to sail around the Earth wih his little ship. His our was funded by his close friends and temporal jobs he found on he way. Afer arriveing home, he go a stroke and was bedridden for years to come. When he regained his strength o walk, he came by us to save his cassetes to DVDs and he even asked for the MPG files too to let him edit more at home. It only took him 8 cassettes to sum up years of sailing, and it was sure, hat he was an experienced filmmaker, we had to edit nearly nothing out.

Interestingly later we had many more sailer clients, who all knew about Péter and his adventures.



Katalin was planning on a big presen for his husband. His fathers recordings from the `60s, caught on vinyl. He was a splendid singer and had eight reordings. It was rather misplaced and some had even a gooey thing developing on them. Bu the real work came after digitiing, removing all the ticks and tacks and background noises and hisses. At the end all eight discs were fitted on one audio CD, and we even copied the lookalike to he CDs too because she asked for our exact copy service. So we copied the vinyl labels on the CD then even listed the tracks on the side, to make it feel period.



One of your clients asked us to digitize video cassettes, but some of the recording were more of the naughy kind. After a quick call to them, they decided no to talk to their kids about all the flowers and bees, so we separated these recordings from the family recordings, and copied them to a differen disc.

Any time we encounter these kind of reordings, we make sure o approach as discreetly to it as we can.

Story of the U-matic

U-matic is the first casette, that reads the tape within a protectve shell. Earlier types used reel-to-reel transfer, this was developped with a shell to protect the whole set. A built in break is equipped to not net the tape move while ransporting the cassette, and its latch is protecting the tape that could be in the open between the reels. When we insert these in a player, the latch is lunlocked and lifted, so the reader can approach the tape close enough.


On the march of 1970 Matsushita,  JVC and five other no japanese companies agreed on a new, 1,9cm wide video-patent. First players were rather big ones, 76×61×30 cm on average. They were not too well equipped with controlls either, they only had record, play and pause. The U-matic name is coming from the shape of the readers headpiece.






This patent was being developped better and better trough its lifecycle, new players were all fully equipped with their predecessors technologies. The early U-matic was known also as Lo-band, so when in the early `80s it stapped up one on the technological ladder, it was called Hi-band from that on. It had a better image qality, and they were getting even more advaned. Along came SP (Superior Performance) which used a chromatic tape with less hissing noise and better clors.
The picture became 280×486 with a maximum length of one hour.

At the beginning in 1971 Sony was planning on commercial and at home use, but it never became too common, because of its complexity and price. But it well fitted with teaching and broadcasting. And hat is why untill this day we can find them at establishments like these. Even Sony adapted, and tried to market toward these new field.


In the middle of the `70s U-matic bullied out 16mm filmreels off the broadcast services. After recording, i could go in trasmission nearly immediately, thanks to the moveable cameras. It fastened up newscast servies. So came U-matic S, which was intended for dinamic cameras, it helped moving riporters and newscasters. The first camera to his purpose was the Sony VO-3800.


It recorded in color, but could only playback in black and whie. We needed extra pieces and external power source to playback in color. Togeather with the DXC-1600 camera, it was a whole set to record and playback, adnd it was "only" 15 kilogramms! It was a miracle in 1974. First they had the top racked ones, but quickly they evolved to accept the cassettes in the front, so these could fit in a normal shelf or rack.

The most usual problem was the friction of the head and the tape. The headpiece is revolving around at 1500 rpm, this gets touched by the tape. After a few playbacks the oxid can get off the plastic, causing disortion in picture and sound.

Another prolem is that red color is not really is strong suit. It gives more noise back then other colors. So no suits or any cloth or even set wa allowed on television with this color.

Copy from tape to tape was not really good either. It became more blunted, noised in picture and in sound too. To correct this TBC (Time Based Corrector) was developped. It generates the dubmessage again, synchronizing the sound and the picture togeather to remove any imperfections coming from the wearness of the tape. We use TBC too to digitie any kind of video in a better quality, it stabilizes even VHS really nice.

U-matic today


Except a few african countries noone uses U-matic for television purposes. But many recordings were made in the `70s-`80s, and now they are just aching dust in a warehouse. Cassettes loose their high pitched noises first, and what is not on the tape can not be regained sadly. There are times, when several soundracks on one recording a a time, one for speach one for music for example. And due time, redubbing can be a hard and painfull process on an old tape.

How to place an order

A few words about the placing of orders:
If you have questions, you can ask them by mailing us here:, we will answer you in hours.
If you fill our contact form, you can send messages and questions to us. We will reply soon.
Order by delivery
If you send us an order using a delivery company, please include a paper that contains the following informations:
  • Your personal data, including name, phone number with country code, e-mail, and the delivery address.
  • Titles for cassettes or reels if these are unreadable;
  • The length of neccessary parts (if you do not want to transfer the whole playtime)
  • DVD copy quantity (if asked for DVD)
  • In case of pictures, the chosen resolution.
If we have any other questions, we will call you, or write an e-mail.
Order personally
If you bring your memories personally, we fill a worksheetwith your personal datas. Including name, phone number with country code, e-mail, and the delivery/billing address.
Then we must know the purpose of the digitizing, and your other needs related to this order what we write on the worksheet.  You can keep one copy of the worksheet.
Every order gets a unique ID, this will be written on every cassette or envelope to avoid mixing orders.

Amateur cameras I. 8mm

Normal 8
Home video making begun in 1932, when Mr. Eastman Kodak announced the 8mm film format. 8mm was a cheaper, more portable alternative of the 16mm film format. Around those times 9,5 mm films and recorders were still available. 8mm is a step back in picture quality but in prize too. It`s cheapness and the advertising campaign convinced the people to buy the new 8mm recorders. This decision meant the end of 9,5 mm filming.
Normal 8 film is a 16mm film, perforated on both sides. User had to expose the two sides, then came the processing, and the cutting in the middle. After this there were two 8mm films.
One spool (15,2m) with 7,6 cm diameter contains 4 minutes at 16 frames per second.
Super 8
Normal 8 was followed by Super 8 in 1965.
Main features:
-50% larger image size;
-18 or 24 frames per second;
-Easy film refill with cartridge;
-Battery powered cameras.
These had not got such a stable image as the N8, but at least was not rewindable. In this case it is an advantage; many footages were ruined by accidental rewinding. Sad news for video enthusiasts: tricky crossfade effects were not available anymore.
Super 8 with sound
In 1973 Kodak refreshed the technology; they developed the sound able version of the Super8. The camera could record sound on the tape`s magnetic row. Customers were able to record with 24 frames per second, this was close enough to cinema feeling. S8 reels were produced until 1997. By many opinions Kodachrome gave the best picture quality. These rolls have great colors even nowdays too. The low quality materials, the bad storage conditions, made the recordings worse year by year. Most frequent problems are: tape mould, color transformation to red or blue. The red or blue colors can be reduced, but will not disappear from the film.

Practical advices to store our memories I.



Colored photos
Traditional colored pictures should not be hanged on the wall because they can fade quickly, they are not resistant to UV light. If you would like to hang any of them, it is advised to scan it in first, retouch it, and after perfect measurement a professional printing company can help you to print it and frame it.
Professional and maximalist companies use quality paper and dye that can withstand UV light, so you can enjoy your photograps for years to come. We can help you to scan and retouch, and we can even recommend printing companies to help you make a big copy of your picture.
Black and white pictures
Monochrome photographs are more durable then colored ones, they an take on even a hundred years with no damage. Sometimes t is not even the picture that is starting to decay, but more like he paper it was made on. It starts to go yellow, crack up or even go thin.
Albus can be transparent and humane but make sure everything is clean. To tidy your pictures up, use 0% alcohol or methylen and do not brush. In the end you can even shine them a bi with a gentle, dry rag.
Storage in an album
You have to think through before digitizing, if you can remove the pictures from the album or not. If they are glued in or fixed in any other way i could mean a problem that could result in bending, tearing or breaking the picture.
If they are already fixed inside the album, it may be possible to remove them wih a scapel. Remember, it is better to cut the album then the photograph.
There is a way to scan in glued in pages too, but it takes much more effort and requires more work. It even smudges over the scanner too, so we have to tidy it up much more regularly.
Storage in envelopes or paper bags
If you store without any albums, it is still advised to undust them from time to time, because they can build in the fabric with constan pushing or moving.
Keep them away from direc sunlight and moisture and there shall be no problem with your pictures.
It can be important to know the date of your pictures taken when you want to sort them at a later time. You can save these data on the envelopes of on their backs to recover at a later time. And then we can even folder them as you like it after a scan.
Sometimes when our clients arrive to us, they start organizing here to meet their standards and ideas. You can shorten your stay with a few tricks:
With a litle time before giving your memories to us, you can organize them by any data you prefere, like date or content of the picture. It is a good idea to mark the envelopes, albums or even the pictures themselves to remember the whole summer or holiday in order to get a more inense feeling out of the photographs.
Digitied pictures can have their own numbers, the order can stay the same on any drive as it was written on them. Windwos support 260 character filenames too, so you can even give a little mark to the picture too (this is conted with the whole reach of directories of the file, so do not overextend, it is advised to stay under 200).

A VHS kazetta története


On the Chicago Electronics Expo JVC along with Panasonic presented the JVC HR-3300EG. It was the worlds first home purposed video recorder machine.
Format war was not an unusual idea by then. For a greater piece of the pie companies tend to warm other companies to them, buying their loyality and their market share, to defeat the other format. At the end, either they sinerge into a complex format, or one of them falls our ot the league and everybody deserts them.
In the `80s a similar case happened with VHS and Betamax. In due time VHS won because of their length of recording, and quicker movement and its produceability.

Technical data:
One cassette an only contain 430 meters of tape which means five hours in normal record type. This csan be extended with recoring modes like LP, EP and SLP. But these all result in worse picture and oie.
A casette has 187 mm height, 103 mm width and 25 mm depth. The width of the tape is 12,7mm, and it records at 2,339 cm/sec at normal mode. After insertion, te tape gets pulled out of its shell and ges bent over the head which rotates at 1800 rpm. It is called an "M-loading" type, because the tape forms an "M" during the playback.
VHS-Compact appeared in stores in 1982 and was for moveable players first, but it was successfull az a recored cassette. It could record 30-45 minutes in normal mode, but in SP it was capeable of a full hour. It can fit in to a normal VHS adapter easily, gaining on its popularity.
Super VHS and S-VHS-C was developed in 1987 by JVC. It has better contrast and color hen its predecessors. Normal VHS resolution is 330×480 but S-VHS has 560×480. Normal analog TV is 440×480. S-VHS player is backwards compatible with any VHS cassette.
End of cassettes
In 1999 the even more popular DVD format came out, and VHS sales plummeted.
The last binge produces product was History of Violence. By 2008, VHS production has stopped completely, but still there are monumental number of players working worldwide.
Many of our clients are still recording on VHS-C cassettes with their cameras. REmember not to record trough to VHS, it still looses some of its details in the transfer.
Our oldest VHS tape was one made in 1982. The customers father recorded church masses zealously trough many apes. Ever we were suprised how good detailed it still was. That is what good storage and rare use means.
How to store:
Magnetic tapes are vunerable to magnetic fields and electricalshortouts. One of our customer was stunned when his tapes - stored next to the loudspeakers - were all erased throughout the ages. So keep them away as far as you can from electricity and magnetic fields.
The other problem is heat and perspiration. They do not like anythig better then middle values there. It counts if you store then in the cellar , basement or even on the top of the shelves.
If the tape is damaged or lumped the picture and sound can be damaged too. We can not repair all of the problems in post process, it is well beyond our limits. But it is hard to achive his bad, even lood victims tapes were recorded with good results.

Short story of the vinyl

To record voices is a big dream of men and since medieval times we are trying to comprehend and reprodue sound. At the end of the fifth century Bonetius (475-524), a philosopher of Rome clearly states the connection between movement speed and voice. Many have tried recording sound in medeval times, but with no adjescent technology available, it was futile. In the sixtenth century Giovanni Battista della Porta ried to capture voice by speaking in to a seel tube, and sealing it off as quick as we can, we can trap the voice, to be released again whenever we want. He was zealous and enthusiastic about this idea, but he only gained failed experiments on these experiments.
To recod sound only became avalable at the end of the nineteenth century. he first theory near realiy is from a french physician-mathematician Jean Duhamel. He realised the energy realisation of the sound, so would have liked to record with a soft and agile membrane and a needle, which is rather near to realisation.

The first real recored is told to be constructed by Thomas Alve Edison in 1877. He built it according to Duhamel. He attached a soft layer of tin to a roll and recorded it with a needle and a funnel. It was able to record and playback thanks to the spiral movement and a human controlled handle.
After the first appearence of the phonograph, on the 26th of december, 1887 Emil Berliner got a patent for the real gramophone. The sound was recorded on to a plate in a spiral form. Plate-like recordings are easier to store, and can play back longer tracks and even reproduction is easier.Just with a negatice you can mass produce a recording easily.With one fine print dozens or even hundreds of recordings can be printed in mere days. These qualities made the gramophone much more user friendly and pushed out the phonograph easily.
Records at first were created accustically, by recording the vibration of the surroundings amplifyed y a funnel. The funnel deppended on the occasion. For pianos they used U shaped ones with such a big mouth, it could fit the whole instrument in it. Some of them were so heavy they hanged it on to the ceiling. The sound hen proceeded to a leather membrane and with its amplification it recorded with a needle on to a surface. This was called doing a cut. First recordings were about 3-4 minutes long, and only contained one side. only in 1904 the double sidedones appeared. They recorded at 78 rpm, but i was manually counted so reallisticly it was between 68-88 rpm. Then all measurements acepted 78,6 rpm made by the american 60hz electrical system and a measurement motor scaled 1:46.
Berliner first used inc plates to record to. then they made a positive copy of it with galvanisation, then made the normal press of it with galvanisation too. Then they made steel copies of the first disc, and casted it to hard rubber. After a long search Berliner found sellak. A tropical trees aphises sap that was cleaned and hardened to discs then. It was cheap and produced even better sound so it pushed all other substrates out of the market.

Modern Recorder
The mathematical and physical attitudes of gramophones were first approached in 1920 by Bell Laboratories. From these researches they developped electromechanical recordings by 1924. A microphone, amplifier and an elecric cutter the frecvencies and dinamics were well over the normal discs and distortion was nearly gone on those days standards. An electronic player was developped as well, but it was way too pricey to be marketted wide. They started experimenting with stereo recording too, and created he possibility by 1931.
Also in 1931 the RCA Victor radio and record company introduced the first 33 1/3 rpm speed long timed player. To not loose quality with the turn speed loss they used a new record material,  acetylcellulite-polyvinylchlorid, thus came the name vinyl. To improve the discs lifetime they used less pressure on the needle. It was usual to use 50-100 cN pressure, around 1938 to use 30 cN and even lessened it to 10 cN in 1947. Also this record was able to store 20 minutes and got nearly no hissing. But it did not skyrocket as man would think. Magnetophones were starting to grow on them, being nvented in 1905 by Poulsen, and they thought it will push them out of the market.But they thought of it badly, and CBS developped and patented the idea in 1948 only to start producing stereo records in 1958.
Our quality oriented listeners are praising vinyl over all. They belive that more data is recorded on the records then on any other format we can listen sound back from.

Dia digitalizálás tisztítással!WILL YOU CLEAN MY SLIDES?
Every scanning starts with the cleaning of the films: If it has a frame with glass, we take the slide out to wipe with film cleaning chemicals and dust-proof wipes. They will dissolve the dirt and grease but preserve the colours. This way the time of retouching is shortened, the quality is better. As far as we know we are the only ones scanning slides or negatives in this way.


Film digitalizálás ajándéknak!UNIQUE VIDEO AS A GIFT
You would like to give a video compilation to a friend or a family member? Bring the whole collection of memories, we make the transfer, then you can write a script of the sequence of the pieces. You can also bring your own music, we will mix it to fit the video.


Füzet digitalizálás PDF-be!READ IT ANYWHERE!
You have valuable books and booklets, which you would always like to have with you? Or maybe you would like to read them on a Tablet or a Laptop? After digitizing we can convert it to PDF so you can bring these with you always. The scanning is made with a feeder or a flatbed scanner depending on the material. We can create a simple PDF of a picture or with OCR, a PDF with text.



Az áraink mindent tartalmaznakEVERYTHING IS INCLUDED IN THE PRICE
You will benefit with us! At Emlékmentő the whole service is included in the price
  • the transfer;
  • renewing the image and sound;
  • burning to a DVD;
  • printing the DVDs;
  • multi-disc cases;
  • ..and the FREE copying to any kind of a media!